The Church Under Pressure

Share God’s word with the suffering church
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Bible Society Australia is starting 2018 by raising funds for Bible projects in countries where being a Christian means being in grave danger. Due to political instability, persecution, severe poverty and the need to exercise extreme caution in their communications, the Bible Societies operating in these countries are unable to raise enough funds to meet the abundant needs of their community. This includes Bible-based literacy programmes that help people navigate both every day and traumatic situations.

To protect them we will not name their locations, but they depend on other Bible Societies, like ours, and donors, such as you, to continue their vital ministry.

The above video is a talk given at the UBS World Assembly in May 2016 by Dr Mike Bassous about the church under pressure.

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Hana is one of the many benefactors of this ministry. After her husband was tortured and murdered for sharing the gospel in a city dominated by Islamist militants she received the threatening message “Your son’s destiny will be exactly like his father’s.” Grief-stricken and in fear for their lives, Hana, with her son and two daughters, fled their home. Two years later, violent persecution once again forced them to leave the place they had made their home, “We got used to being displaced by force,” she explains.

Despite the trauma and loss, Hana testifies, “The Lord has provided all our needs.” Hanna goes on to explain how The Bible Society played an important part in God providing for them, “They paid our rent and supplied us with help.” With The Bible Society’s spiritual and financial support the children in the family have received Bibles, and Hana has been encouraged to turn to God’s word. Hana is now finding hope in reading the Bible her husband so dearly cherished and says, “now I feel my faith is becoming stronger.”

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