Learning through listening

Bible based literacy programmes for the marginalised in Cambodia

Illiteracy rates in Cambodia are highest in remote rural areas where teachers, if they exist at all, may only teach for two hours a day. They need to earn additional income elsewhere. Schools in rural areas can be inaccessible and poor families expect their children to help in the fields and provide for the family. Sending a child to school is often considered a luxury they can’t afford. Through the Bible-based ’Learning through Listening’ audio literacy classes, With your help, Bible Society can provide 600 literacy classes to both disadvantaged Christians and non-Christians who have not learnt to read.

Bible Society needs hundreds more special Listen and Learn MP3 players for use in Cambodia. With a wealth of teaching inside, they’re a kind of mobile missionary and teacher all in one. These audio devices not only teach literacy using Scripture-based materials but help remote ethnic minorities learn vital life skills. And, best of all, listeners can hear the Good Book spoken in their heart language.

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In Cambodia, over the last 14 years, 46,000 previously illiterate people have learned to read using Bible-based textbooks! Many previously knew little, if anything, of Jesus or the Bible. And for those already Christian, the courses have given confidence to speak clearly and knowledgeably about Jesus.

Literacy programmes are opening the floodgates to faith. But to expand, new workshop facilitators need to be trained and course material written, revised, recorded and printed (along with more Bibles). In 2016 in Cambodia, 600 classes were run in the Khmer language. Help us increase the class numbers in 2017.

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