Scripture grants
Through the generosity of Bible Society’s supporters, we have been able to provide over 87,000 pieces of Scripture (to the value of over $260 000), free of charge, to over 250 different chaplains and Christian organisations within Australia in 2015. The chaplains included those working for the Defence Forces, Hospitals and Correctional services and the Christian organisations include Scripture Union, Youth For Christ, Prison Fellowship and Crusaders.
In the words of the recipients, here are some highlights from the year:
“We were very impressed with the Gospel of Mark, 'The Deadly News'. All the indigenous guys we offered it to today were very happy to accept it. One young guy… said - 'There's my cousin! Relative of my father! I come from there!' It made him happy and the other indigenous guys with him were happy chatting about it too. Thank you for the wonderful resource you have given us in this grant. We appreciate it very much.”
- Woodford Correctional Centre, Chaplain Linda Pizzey
“We have made wonderful use of Bibles in foreign languages. Many of the readers have come from a Muslim background and have been reticent to engage with Christianity… when a relationship has been built between our volunteers and the participants they become ready to engage. The real impact of the true message of the gospel becomes real to them when they read the Word in their own native tongue.”
- Prison Fellowship WA, Chaplain
“Carl was living in fear on-board his ship after being bullied by some other officers, he had trouble sleeping and had feelings of suicide. I [spoke] with Carl who confessed that although he had been raised as a Christian had long since given up as a follower and could not see any evidence of God in his life. I supplied him with a free Bible which bought tears to his eyes and we went through the Bible and I was able to prove that God had never left him… Carl said that he felt a peace about his life that he could not explain and he was so thankful for his Bible and other material.”
- Mission to Seafarers Gladstone
“Amongst those who now have Bibles at home are people from Buddhist and Muslim backgrounds. One of our members, a Muslim woman from Malaysia was very happy to accept a Bible, and tells us she has been reading it at home with her Hindu background husband. Praise God for the work of the Bible Society!”
- Minchinbury Anglican Church ESL Class, teacher
“The literature supplied by The Bible Society is invaluable. I give them to patients at the hospital to encourage them to remember God. I explain how to use them for their benefit. Most are happy to receive them. I feel that often people have not been given any word about God before and are thrilled to receive these booklets.”
- Hornsby Hospital Chaplain